Population: 15,111,244
Counties: 67
Jeb Bush
Key Laws/State
Click here
for the amount of protected land in Florida, and click here
to review Florida's federal transportation spending.
Source: Pew
Center on the States &
Changing Direction: Federal Transportation
Spending in the 1990s. Surface
Transportation Policy Project
Recent Campaign:
1000 Friends of Florida's affordable housing
advocacy has centered on legislative initiatives and administrative rule
making. Their most notable legislative achievement was passage of
the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act. This landmark housing legislation
was passed through the efforts of a bipartisan coalition of diverse interests,
and was initiated by 1000 Friends of Florida. The Sadowski Act made Florida
the national leader in funding and innovative programs for local private
sector production of affordable housing to date, more than 58,500 families
have been assisted with affordable home ownership and/or rental. The housing
programs created and funded through the Act are defined and refined through
administrative rule making.
Contact Information:
Friends of Florida
P.O. Box 5948
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948
(850) 222-6277
Key Laws:
For an overview of Florida's planning and
zoning statutes, see the excellent summary provided by the
Planning Association.
Early on Florida passed the Florida State Comprehensive
Planning Act of 1972 which the county's first effort to develop a statewide
plan. The plan was not adopted until 1985. The law provides
for, among other things, coordination among local, regional and state governments,
consideration of developments of regional impacts, a dispute resolution
mechanism, and so-called "con-currency," which requires that public infrastructure
be in place to support new development."
The Environmental Land and Water Management
Act (Chapter
380) was passed in 1972 to establish
critical area and development of regional impact (DRI) regulatory programs.
The DRI programs apply state oversight to a limited number of development
proposals or a limited geographic area.
In 1985, Florida passed the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Chapter
163, Part II) to utilize and strengthen the existing role and powers
of local governments to guide and control future development.
Florida Growth Management Report Released
The final draft of the Florida
Growth Management Study Commission, appointed by Governor Jeb
Bush to determine the effectiveness of Florida's growth management system,
released its final report of recommendations and policy proposals.
Significantly, the draft report includes, among others, proposals to make
sprawl development "pay for itself" by correlating impact fees with proximity
to existing infrastructure. (Newly-appointed HUD Secretary Mel Martinez
was chair of the commission before his HUD appointment.)
Florida has 11 different regional planning organizations
which have varying degrees of regional control, sometimes advisory and
sometimes with the power of law, the following website has links to all
Department of Community Affairs, the
administering agency for the state growth management program, provides
links to Florida's growth management statutes. Contact: Department
of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100;
(850) 487-4545
Rebuild America/Rebuild Florida
Strengthening Communities Through Improved Building
Energy Efficiency
Rebuild America is a network of community partnerships
committed to reducing the energy consumption of America’s older buildings.
Working with Rebuild America and the United States Department of Energy,
these community partnerships identify older commercial and multifamily
buildings that are suitable candidates for an energy retrofit that will
decrease building energy expenditures by 20 to 30 percent or more. Energy
efficient buildings not only save energy but also have the additional benefits
of addressing other community needs such as hazard mitigation, long-term
redevelopment, economic revitalization, business development and retention,
and affordable housing. By using energy more efficiently, communities can
save money, improve productivity, stimulate the local economy and reduce
Rebuild Florida is a function of the Florida Energy
Office located in the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Individuals
or community organizations can initiate partnerships by contacting the
Rebuild Florida Program. Rebuild Florida will help to initiate a
dialogue with other interested parties such as local/state government;
utilities; building owners; civic leaders; school administrators; and other
nonprofit civic organizations. Each community partnership sets its own
unique priorities for revitalization and building improvements. Rebuild
Florida can also help identify resources that are available to Florida
partnerships through existing state programs such as Front Porch Florida,
the Local Mitigation Strategy and Showcase Communities Projects.
A first draft of Sustainable
Standards has been circulated by the Governor's
Council for Sustainable Florida. The Standards summarizes nine
Focus Sessions that reveal what Floridians
liked about their communities and what they feel they need to change.
Some of the things people liked most about their communities include: natural
settings, quality of life and friendliness. Impediments to a sustainable
Florida include lack of public input, polarization, traffic congestion,
sprawl and poverty. (Source: Governor's Council for Sustainable Florida)
For more information or a partnership application
Jennifer Zadwick
Bureau of State Planning
(850) 414-9670
US Department of Energy’s Rebuild America website:
Through the Florida Department of Community Affairs
is the Division of Community Planning. Their mission is to "assist
Florida's community in meeting the challenge of growth, reducing the effects
of disasters, and investing in community revitalization."
Friends of Florida
P.O. Box 5948
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5948
Phone: (850) 222-6277, Fax: (850) 222-1117
Following Oregon's model, 1000 Friends of Florida
was formed to ensure that the state's growth management program is enforced
and that a broad constituency exists for its success. The group has
an excellent land use toolkit called "A Citizen's Guide to Smarter Growth
in Florida" The guide can be found at http://www.1000fof.usf.edu/PUBS/plantomorrow/default.htm
Club: Florida Chapter
The Sierra Club's Challenge to Sprawl Campaign
educates the public about the dangers of uncontrolled suburban sprawl and
highway construction.
Audubon Society
State Headquarters
1331 Palmetto Avenue, Suite 110
Winter Park, FL 32789
407-539-5700 voice, 407-539-5701 fax
Florida Audubon Society is the statewide voice
of conservation, promoting the protection, preservation and restoration
of birds, all wildlife, and their habitat through science-based advocacy
and education.
Florida Internet Center for Understanding Sustainability
FICUS is an internet educational network and
discussion forum provided by The Florida Center for Community Design and
Research (FCCDR) and member organizations. The site is designed for
use by all citizens interested in sustainability. A list of organizations
associated with FICUS can be viewed on their website.
Florida’s Eastward Ho! Initiative provides incentive-driven,
community-based investments to steer development toward the southeast Florida
corridor and away from the fragile Everglades ecosystem. The Florida Department
of Community Affairs serves as the lead agency for the program, contracting
with the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council.
PAVE OVER COUNTRYSIDE," The Orlando Sentinal. December 10,
"Rail Battle Begins Today," Orlando
Sentinel. March 27, 2001.
"Accounting for Sprawl," Tampa
Tribune, April 2, 2001
"Drawing the line on new development," Orlando
Business Journal. March 23, 2001.
"Tri-Rail push pays off with D.C. pledge," Miami
Herald. April 11, 2001.
"I-4 will give birth to megalopolis," Orlando
Sentinel. April 16, 2001.
The Joint Center for Environmental & Urban
Problems and 1000 Friends of Florida release Development without
Displacement Community Handbook. The Handbook identifies a set
of tools that communities can use to address gentrification and displacement
in urban areas of southeast Florida. http://www.jc.fau.edu