Population: 1,251,700
Counties: 44
Governor Dirk Kempthorne

Click here for the amount of protected land in Idaho, and click here to review Idaho's federal transportation spending.
Source:  Pew Center on the States & Changing Direction:  Federal Transportation Spending in the 1990s. Surface Transportation Policy Project

Key Laws
For a summary of Idaho's planning and zoning statutes, see the excellent report provided by the American Planning Association.

Local Land-Use Planning Act (1975) 
This plan encourages communities to plan their future growth and land-use decisions.  It states it should be the duty of the planning or planning and zoning commission to conduct a comprehensive planning process designed to prepare, implement, and review and update a comprehensive plan.  The plan shall include all land within the jurisdiction of the governing board. The plan shall consider previous and existing conditions, trends, desirable goals and objectives, or desirable future situations for each planning component. The plan with maps, charts, and reports shall be based on the following components as they may apply to land-use regulations and actions unless the plan specifies reasons why a particular component is unneeded.

Adds to existing law to provide that a county or city governing body may, by ordinance, create development rights and establish procedures authorizing landowners to voluntarily transfer development rights; and to provide requirements for and restrictions upon transfers of development rights.

Smart Towns: A Community Guide to Downtown Revitalization 
This report, produced by the Idaho Department of Commerce's Division of Community Development, is designed for community leaders and interested citizens who want to plan and organize projects in their communities that promote Idaho's downtowns.

Profile of Rural Idaho:  A look at economic and social trends affecting rural Idaho
Produced for Gov. Kempthorne by the Idaho Department of Commerce, this report reviews how rural Idaho has been changing over the past 20 years.

"Economic Success Propelling Idaho From Rural to Urban -- for a Price," Salt Lake Tribune. March 10, 2001.

Idaho Smart Growth is a broad-based coalition of citizens, public officials, planners, developers and others who are all concerned about: 
Land-use Issues 
Transportation Issues 
Growth-management Issues 
We believe that education, citizen involvement, sensible community design, sensible planning and active implementation of plans can protect the unique qualities of our Idaho communites, natural resources, and the Idaho economy, while accomodating population growth.