Population: 1,746,898
Counties: 17
Governor Kenny Guinn

Click here for the amount of protected land in Nevada, and click here to review Nevada's federal transportation spending.
Source:  Pew Center on the States & Changing Direction:  Federal Transportation Spending in the 1990s. Surface Transportation Policy Project

Recent Press:
"Las Vegas Bet on Growth But Doesn't Love Payoff," New York Times. January 26, 2001.

For a summary of Nevada's planning and zoning statutes, see the excellent report provided by the American Planning Association.

The Southern Nevada Strategic Planning Authority was created in 1997 to examine issues surrounding growth in and around the Las Vegas region.1  The Authority, consisting of 21 members (14 private sector appointees and 7 elected officials) is currently preparing a report for the legislature,2 that is expected to focus on economic development, education, environment, housing, zoning, parks public safety, transportation, water, sewage and sanitation.3  A regional planning effort, this initiative was mandated by the legislature in response to rapid growth and concerns about economic development and affordable housing.

The above material is excerpted with permission from "Smart Growth at Century's End: The State of the States" by Patricia E. Salkin, published in The Urban Lawyer, Sumr 1999 v 31 n 3, p. 601.  For a complete copy of the article, please contact The Urban Lawyer.


1 S.B. 383 (enacted in 1997).
2 Ed Vogel, "Legislative Wraps Long, Costly Run." The Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/8/97.
3 Susan Greene, "Panel ready to take on Growth-Related Issues," The Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/9/97