religious community
Unsettled in Suburbia: A budding movement fights sprawl on theological grounds, The Dallas Morning News, September 12, 1998.

The Bishop in the City, Preservation, March/April 1997.

Saving our sacred earth: Faith communities at forefront of national initiative, Detroit Free Press, May 27, 1999.

Archdiocese of Hartford: Anti-Sprawl Initiatives 
The Archdiocese of Hartford has sponsored a number of anti-sprawl
initiatives such as brownfield sites.  The goal is organizing parishes to
participate in developing reuse plans that can directly benefit the effected communities through an increased tax base, job creation and remediation of environmental hazards. Contact: Jeanie Graustein at 203-777-7279. 

Chicago Theological Initiative for Eco-Justice Ministry, Metropolitan Alliance of Congregations: Sprawl and Sustainability
This coalition, in the initial stages of formation, has put together the "Interreligious Sustainability Project of Metropolitan Chicago" to
address sustainability in general and sprawl inparticular in the Chicago
area.  The coalition advocates greening congregations and mass transit
issues.  Contact: Clare Butterfield at 773-278-4800 x 125. 

Diocese of Cleveland: The Church and the City -- Sprawl and the "SHARE" team.
The Diocese of Cleveland has undertaken a number of intiatives designed to help reduce sprawl as part of Bishop Pilla's "The Church and the City" pastoral initiative.  For example, they have worked on helping  redevelop brownfields, have become active partners in regional anti-sprawl coalitions and advocacy campaigns, and set up the SHARE team (Student Helpers & Advocates for Renewing the Earth), an after-school program involving middle school students studying the environmental impacts of  urban sprawl and pollution in their local area.  Contact:  Len Calabrese at 216-696-6525 x 306. 

The Fillmore Gospel Garden, Dioceses of San Francisco, CA:
Urban/Suburban/Rural Student Partnership for the Environment
Sacred Heart Parish educated suburban and rural Catholics about the
environmental problems of inner city neighborhoods through the use of the story of their garden project, which serves as an urban-suburban exchange site.  Contact:  Sister Catherine Marie Murray at 415-861-5460. 

National Religious Partnership for the Environment. The Partnership whose members include; U. S. Catholic Conference, National Council of Churches of Christ, Coalition on the Environment and  Jewish Life and the Evangelical Environmental Network recently announced their ten-year initiative to act on such  issues as air pollution, urban sprawl and forest preservation. Contact:  Paul Gorman at212-316-7441. 

Metropolitan Congregations United for St. Louis.  A coalition of over 50 local congregations who believe that sprawl lies at the heart of the region's problems: urban abandonment, deteriorating city streets, and loss of access to jobs for low-income people. Contact:  Churches United for Community Action at 314-351-1244.

Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength (MOSES). MOSESsends speakers throughout South East Michigan to speak on the moral implications of urban sprawl.  Contact: 313-838-3190.

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC)
The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC) has been the hub of Jewish social justice and legislative activity in the nation's capital for over 35 years. Besides supporing social justice issues related specifically to the Jewish community both here and abroad, the RAC advocates on behalf of a variety of social justice issues.  It has recently taken up smart growth as one of its issue areas.
Contact:  Ari Gilbert 202-387-2800

United Synagogue Youth, B'nai Brith Youth, Akron Jewish Day Schools, and Akron Jewish Community Center: Urban Land  Laboratory.
These groups have together started "Tikkun" (repair/healing) Village, a
multi-purpose environmental education program.  Its first project is to
create an urban land laboratory behind the local JCC, including nature
trails, organic gardens, and learning stations. Contact:  Rich Swirsky,
Ohio Citizen Action at 330-864-8464.